Hundred-thirty-seven day – your limit

When you chosed to follow a different path you knew that it would have been difficult and challenging.

Remain mediocre is a choise, you have to go throught pain to succed.

How much your life could improve if you didn’t care about others opinions? You would be limitless.

To be a successfull person you act differently, think in a different way and take difficult decisions.

Your dreams are esactly behind your fears, you need to face up them to achieve your dreams.

Your brain is not made for this society.

Every input that your amygdala (it helps regulate emotions) gives you should be analysed, because the majority of times it’s a fake signal.

Our biggest limit is our mind.

If we unlock the ability of don’t give a damn about other people’s opinions, we would live a better life and we would be also more successfull.

Do the harder choise, every time that you decide to do the hardest thing, you will do a little step forward, closer to your goal.

Aim to improve 1% a day.

We are only animals who built a system to create their own rules, so also you can create your reality.

Do what makes you feel happy and face up your fears.

It’s only in our mind, when you will realize that really nobody care about what are you doing, so why care?

My biggest fear is to live a life in the mediocrity to didn’t have the courage to step outside.

Don’t do this mistake, your are able to overcome your problems.

Big problems for big people.

What I learned today:

  • Your mind is your biggest limit.

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