If you wanna change, you gotta do challenging things.
If you wanna improve you have to live on the edge.
You got to live on a status where every day, you push yourself through something that you didn’t want to do, pushing yourself a little forward, and do it again, and again.
What difference people who improve and who don’t it’s the resistance in the uncomfortable, people who keep going also when things start to became difficult will be the ones who will have more success and happiness.
Everyone want to live on his comfort zone, no one would want to push themselves out of adversity if there would be no gains.
I was scared also of starting this blog, because I was scared about what other people could think about me, about my thought, I was scared about others opinion.
Also if I know that nothing would happen, this fear stopped me many times, and it’s still stopping me now from being who I really am.
I’m just wearing a mask like the majority of people because I’m scared of don’t being accepted in the society.
But will always be better being refuse from the society being yourself than being accepted only when you are someone that you are not.
It would be like living on a gold prison, where everything it’s cool and accepted but fake.
It could be also made of gold but it’s still a prison.
I wanted to start a yt channel, but I’m still to scared to do it, but now I’m aware of why I’m not starting this challenge.
We make excuses, I must have the perfect name for the channel, the perfect video, I must know how to edit a video.
But these are only excuses to procrastinate something that scary us.
Being aware of the problem it’s the first step, after can go only better.
When you know that you could be who ever you want it’s impossible for you don’t improve, you will always be on the extremes.
After you know that there is a possible way to achieve you dreams it’s impossible for you to come back to your normal and non progressive life, because in case you would know what you could have lost, meanwhile other people don’t even know.
I will face my fears and I will become the person that I wanna be.