This blog is the image of myself.
I want this place to be my best place, where I can arrive and write whatever I want, and find people who are willing to discuss with or against me, for doing an interesting converstion.
I wanna find people like me, everyone it’s different, but often I think to don’t have nothing in common to others, my friends and people of my age in general.
I’m not interested about what the majority of people talk today
Everytime that I’m trying to increase the level of the discussion, it seems like if people don’t want to think.
I want to know things that I don’t know, if there would be a person in front of me with opinions completely differents of me, I would listen carefully and trying to understand why he’s thinking that.
I like to start with the presuppost that I’m wrong, being overconfident sometimes it’s not an advantage, if you really what to understand something during an argument, you must put away your ego, and seek to for the truth not for to be right.
The problem it’s that we prefer being wrong in group than right alone.
Because with this mentality people grow without an own mind, everyone it’s looking for the others, people can not stay alone anymore.
Different actions, different resoults.
Listen everything but after think with your own mind.
Questions are underrated.
I think that if you are able to ask yourself the best questions then answers will never be a problem.
Where I tale motivation
I take motivation from the uniqueness of what I’m doing.
Doing something really hard, that I know for sure that the majority of people don’t do motivate me.
Going for a run thinking that while I’m doing one of the harderst things that you could possibly do, someone else in the world proocrastinate and stay in the sofa.
Why I’m like this
I’m not scary of falling.
I’ve always been an insicure kid, but what really upset me it’s thinking about all the chances that I didn’t get because I was anxious, insicure.
Why people are depressed.
Unfortunately I know it really well, I lived with it for years, my father is depressed since I was really young.
He’s never been there when I needed him, I did’t have a normal childhood, and at that time it was really heavy for me, because sometimes there are things whitch you can not find an answer for “why me?”, but with time I accepted that there are not answers for everything.
I’ve never find and answer for that, but now looking in the past, I can see why I became the person that I’m today, I’m I’m gratefull especially to myself becauase I had the courage to stand up alone, I’ve never had anyone who helped me to stand up when I was down, I only had my mother whitch I really love her.
I wanna be the person I wanna be for her, I would like to give her the life that he never could had, this is my greatest dream.
I will never let anything stand in from of me, I will never let my anxious, insicureness or fear to stop me, as they did in the past.
I will never surrender until I’ll get what I want, I won’t hide, I won’t pray, I’ll work hard, hope is not a strategy.